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The imagery for restoring clothes is now done!

Compared to the sketch before I've slightly adjusted Molly's lines and added a bunch of things to the background.
This one looks very busy compared to the other image where she's just reaching into her wardrobe...

I think they should work well together though, since the top image with Molly standing in her room is showed after, it saves the more interesting one for last xD

I considered showing a little more skin for this image sequence, but that would have meant I'd have to draw separate versions of them depending on your health, so drawing her when she's already done dressing was the most efficient solution.
Besides, having ups and downs in terms of lewdness will probably feel nice over the course of the game.

I also got myself to sit down and add all these details to the background... That process usually feels rather tedious to me, I don't normally spend alot of time on little details, but the payoff was worth it I think.

So I'm quite happy with how they turned out =w=/




"having ups and downs in terms of lewdness" - I very much agree