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Heyo, I'm currently writing the code for floaty enemies chasing you around!

The plan is to include 2 types of enemies, one grabby type that is out to enhance Molly's boob physics by clinging onto them on collision, and the other bully type that just wants to push you around, which you can see here!

These enemies will appear after the Deerdude™ encounter, and are meant to spice up the platforming on your way back. The grabby types will also add a new portrait animation on the side, but more on those later...

I think the bouncing mechanics turned out to be quite fun now, I've already spend alot of time just jumping into them and getting launched away xD

On the side of coding, at first I've approached this by making the direction you get launched in dependent on the direction Molly's sprite and the enemy sprite is facing. This resulted in lots of jank tho, sometimes you would get bounced in the wrong direction or just phase through enemies if multiple were on screen...
So I ended up assigning 2 different hitboxes to each side of them, to easily determine what side you've collided with. This turned out to be more reliable, but sometimes you'd still get launched in the wrong direction...
To try to fix this I've displayed that direction on screen, 1 for right, -1 for left, which you can still see in the gifs. I noticed that with multiple enemies on screen, you sometimes got values of both 1 and -1 at the same time, so I turned this direction into a global variable, which fixed the problem!

Now you consistently get bounced back and forth between them, only one direction at the time =w=b



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