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While I was on an airplane flying out to see Sine's parents, I slapped together a few pages for viewing some old comics. There's plenty to read to hold you over until I get some more up! Flavor Text was an old webcomic that had a ...quirky... idea about how stories are told, and time works. I uploaded comics to a timeline fully out of order, but then it could be read both chronologically or in upload order. You can enjoy watching my art quality jump around! Hope you like it. Page isn't done yet, but I figured there was enough there for you to enjoy.


Flavor Text

Flavor Text was (is???) a webcomic about people with magical powers in a fantasy world that takes place inside of a world just like the ones you might find in a fantasy role playing game. Most of these were written around 2010-ish although some were written as late as 2015.


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