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Ever since I drew Saori quite some time ago, I didn't think I'd draw Blue Archive again since so many artists have already jumped into the scene and I wasn't sure if I'd do justice to the cute girls introduced in Blue Archive. One of the more popular characters I thought about shying away from was actually Asuna since every two out of ten artworks you see under Blue Archive tag on Pixiv was more often than not an Asuna fanart. 

So it really came as a surprise to me when I saw the random whimsical poll I did the other day on Twitter asking for suggestion on what characters I should draw and Asuna's name came up just as much as Rio's. And to my surprise, she came second in the poll only 5% behind Rio who came first. 

Is it too late to jump into the game I wonder haha. I probably won't though since it looks like it'll be a lot of time investment and time isn't something I have in abundance. 

Well enough talk. Here is my version of Asuna. There will be a nice Live2D background being worked on this month as well and this artwork will be animated. Now that I'm using an iPhone, I won't be able to use it on my phone but those of you using Androids will get to enjoy the spoils once this is up and running. 




Great job Reine


You defintely done her justice, and even nailed her iconic smile. That...damned smile... that was everywhere on pixiv and twitter at one point lol. Regardless love to finally see your take on her, and cheers to seeing more BA art in the future. 💖


She’s so beautiful! Amazing work Reine ☺️