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Looks like Lisa has taken the lead from start to finish this month possibly due to the stars lining up with the new outfit and the event quests that are being released later today on the NA server. Which reminds me I'll need to hop on for a bit to get that cute outfit for her too sometime today. Lisa was one of the first characters I maxed out in the game and until Raiden came along, she was my main go-to Electro dps. I do hope the devs will one day implement some drastic changes to her kit to make her a little bit more viable to be used in the meta, or a giant buff to her current kit will be much appreciated. 

 Aside from Lisa though, I'm really noticing the trend from the last poll! It came as a surprise when Olga came first last month, Reina was a bit of a wild card even though I added her into this month's poll as an experiment to see if Olga just had random luck on her side. Though Reina came second, I'm surprised none the less with the number of votes she got this time around. 

Given that February is a shorter month and my schedule for this month is pretty insane, I am sitting on the fence on whether I could also draw the honorary 2nd place this month seeing the results this month. For anyone who voted Reina, have you seen the original doujin or OVA? What are your thoughts on this character? Hentai OVA characters are rather refreshing to see on the polls and many of them are quite foreign to me so I'm interested to hear more from you guys who are much more well-versed in the genre. 

A reminder that the Gumroad rewards are due to be sent out on the 5th! (or 6th as I'm waiting on the Live2D Animation this time)


1. I've signed up as Premium/Luxury this month. Can I get the Gumroad Reward for this month?

No, my gumroad rewards are sent to Patrons who have supported me two months. So you'll begin to get one starting the following month if you continue your pledge on the same tier.  

2. I am a Patron, why have I not gotten a Gumroad Reward?

Usually, they're sent out via group DM to active Patrons from Premium Supporters and up. NSFW Connoisseurs do not get a reward as stated in the pledge tier.  

3. Can I request an older reward instead?

Unfortunately, I only give out the current rewards in the following month. For older rewards, it would be better for you to support me through Gumroad instead of Patreon.  

4. When are the Gumroad rewards sent out?

I try to send them out on the 5th of every month. The reasons for this are that I found that uploading them on the 1st of the month tends to screw up some of my patrons as their payment doesn't appear to go through until a few days later. So I've decided to delay the rewards until the 5th so everyone's pledges are counted for and they won't miss out on the DMs.




Reina is just a fun watch 👀👀


Just don’t push yourself too hard Reina


It's amazing that Reina won 2nd place. 56 votes for Reina is an amazing result. She deserves it.


<p style="color: #008600;">Lisa is awesome and I'm glad that she was in the lead from the beginning to the end of the poll. 💛💛💛</p>