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I have to wonder how many of you remember the lore surrounding Shenhe and the red ropes she needs to wear at all times to keep her wild desires and battle tendency in check. It's been a year since Shenhe's story arc was revealed so I'm willing to bet many forgot about that neat little detail, especially since despite possessing monstrous strength the devs designed her to be a support character. To be fair, I've forgotten about it too until I began thinking of ideas on what I could add to this as variation and thought about bondage and it just clicked. 

I'm quite happy with how this came out, she usually doesn't display a lot of emotions due to the red ropes acting as a suppressant and dialogue for this came out just naturally when I thought about the overall lore surrounding Shenhe and her personality desiring changes to fit into human society (and naughty things). 

There are several variations I didn't post here as dialogue, they will be made available instead on my gumroad rewards which is being sent out on the 5th for active patrons. 




Mommy? Sorry, mommy? Sorry, mommy?


Mommy vibes fr😩


Amazing stuff! I do not regret my decision to pledge 😩


Shenhe is a great support for Ganyu and they just wreck everything which is awesome but Shenhe as a main DPD would have been awesome. Cryo mommy domination would've ruled.


Judging from her lore, I would have expected her to be a brawler type character similar to Heizou where she punches things really hard really fast. Her Q temporarily removes the red ropes and unleashes her Ora Ora Ora stand to punch things even harder and faster.


Her in a fighting game sounds cool. Maybe her ultimate can be her throwing a giant boulder or something. I like how you think Foxy.