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Gawr Gura! I tried to upload this for public since I'll most likely be uploading this on my social media anyways but Patreon has deemed the works to contain nudity or in their infinite wisdom.... Implied nudity. >.> What's the difference? 

I spent almost the entire day just cleaning my work space and re-arranging furnitures haha. Oh god I can feel the muscle pains today xD it's been a hard work day for me and I feel I'm probably going to melt into my bed once I go to sleep after posting this. 

Hmm I didn't get to hang out with you guys today as a result but hopefully I'll be able to do just that and more after a good sleep ^^

I've heard several questions about whether Mordred Animation will be delivered this month and unfortunately I'm going to say it'll be coming a bit later than expected. Alex my friend and animator has been quite busy with commissions and preparations for the annual Live2D competition so I'm afraid it will be sometime next month, hopefully around mid October. 

That said, the illustration is ready and I'm also going to add dialogues to it to make it look a bit like a lewd web comic. 

I'm currently thinking of localizing it again this time just to Korean and Japanese. 

Dear me, I'm getting sidetracked... >.<;;

Gawr Gura! is the star of this post! She is the SHAAAARK Vtuber of the HoloLiveEN team!
I could be wrong but she's actually the most popular one out of all of them! Must be because she is very hydrodynamic as she claims in one of her streams. Maybe that's why some people are really into the short petite physiques of a certain anime girl type that begins with the letter L! Because they must all be hydrodynamic since they lack the boingboing that would otherwise slow them down! 

Now then that's 4 out of 5 done! Only one remains! Will I manage to finish it within the month?! Find out on the next episode of FoxyRain! 

Yes there will be a slightly more intended for adult versions for all the Hololive girls...Not a lot just slight alterations =P 

Last but not least, thank you for all of you who turned up for my Twitch streams! xD It was a side project I wanted to give it a try at some point but it's proving to be very enjoyable for me. Thank you for lighting up my day and motivating me to draw this... <3 I think that's all I wanted to say today hehe. You all have a great day now and I'll see you again soon with more art! 



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