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"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Ina'nis Hololive wgah'nagl fhtagn..." 

And I'm done drawing the tentacle goddess...! 





Yes, you're probably wondering where did her Tentacles go and this is an excellent question because I have no answers to that either. Perhaps she can store them away somewhere when she wants to just look pretty =P I'll leave it to your imaginations of where she keeps them stored. 

I was quite surprised at how good she is as an illustrator. I dare say she's a league above most of us... though I wonder if she might have gotten some behind the scene assists too hmm... well I've seen her draw live so she's definitely a cut above the rest! 

I love her design too, reminds me of a certain tentacle Servant I'm fond of using in FGO. It's probably comes as no surprise since the person who designed her character model was none other than Kouhaku Kuroboshi [The illustrator who drew three Foreigner Servants on FGO, all of whom have tentacles]. 

Now... if only Ina-chan would retweet my works unlike the other two I've drawn so far... that will definitely make my day xD  


That's part 3 of 5 out of the way! 

I'll now focus on this month's waifu Modred and then continue working on the remaining 2 members! 



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