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I've wanted to draw Samus for a while now but couldn't really find an opportunity to do so because this whole year had been a boiling pot of unexpected chaos at every corner. I feel like at no point in the year I stopped sitting in front of my tablet drawing away without a moment to lose. And any spare time I had remaining, I spent them on planning collabs (animations and others) to create more content. I'm surprised at how long I've been busy, I feel like it's been such a long time since I wasn't busy. 

Anyways, I'm being sidetracked here. Point is, I really did want to draw Samus but I've been overwhelmed with other projects and she also kept losing the first place on the waifu polls much like Shantae before her. Seeing how she almost won several times already on the past polls and how often she is brought up on the polls, I thought it was time to invest some of my afternoons drawing Samus.

I know there's a few of you who will immediately DM me on Discord asking if there will be a creampie scene for this and so I'll save you that trouble by answering it here, no there won't be one for this scene. This was more or less a personal project of mine which I had to start and finish up by using any spareable spare time (is that even a correct sentence? >.> ) so this is where I decided to end it. But who knows! There might be an individual among my discord who may yet request a Samus comm xD 

Anyways, I hope this will be a pleasant surprise for the Samus fans out there ^^ 




Love the Samus butt, where can i get one for myself?


You are a bad, bad girl(?)! I *will* be DM'ing you on Discord. Yumm!!!