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So my quarantine comes to an end, and I'm slowly but steadily settling back into the life of being in my workspace. I don't know why but it just seems a little unsettling to be back after all this time. On the one hand, I have a stable workspace now, but on the other hand, I feel a little restless now that I'm back. I know you guys will think it's strange, but I think I felt more comfortable being thrown into unknown workspaces.

I guess you could day it has both upside and downside to everything. Unpacking everything I amassed over my travels, buying some new furniture and tech, organizing my new workshop, etc... has been a slow process. Frankly, it's taken a lot out of me in the past few days since I've returned. That and my health has been in decline recently, I feel tired when I wake up in the mornings and well... I won't go into too much detail since its all personal life problems. You'll still find me complaining about this stuff in Discord when I start feeling better =P 

Anyways, that's that. Let's move onto the fun stuff! 

If you've noticed the pic I posted in the header, it's the prototype postcards that were planned a month ago! I think I may have mentioned it as a passing note but this is a good chance as any to introduce a new partner I'm currently working with. 

Meet, Mosobox! 

He's a box that I'm currently working closely with, a magic box that will help me open an online merch store on the moso website found here.  https://shop.moso.moe/ 

I must have said it some times now that I've always wanted to have my art recreated into merch and so I've reached out to moso to discuss the details. So far, we have mostly posters being made as we speak and a few postcards one of which is Ch'en and the other is Graf Zeppelin (Azur Lane). 

I'm pretty sure the last one is a postcard... Though it's hard to tell from the photos. Maybe I'm wrong and Moso turned it into a Poster as well? Only time will tell! 

These will be available on the online merch store, soon was the word I recall hearing but I'll try to bug moso over the next few weeks to see if we can get a definite release date! 

I'm so excited! I think I'll probably end up grabbing a few of these myself hahaha xD 


You guys are probably also wondering about what happened to the animation collab I was doing with Alex this month. I've gotten the files from Alex several weeks ago and was meant to work on them over the quarantine period. Sadly that didn't really pan out as well as I'd hoped ^^;; 

After being released from quarantine, I was so busy settling back into my office space back at my place that I didn't have time to work on it. Hopefully by coming forth with this statement will motivate me to start working on finishing the sound works for it. >.< 

Don't worry though, I plan on finishing this in time for the Gumroad rewards in the coming week. 

Here's a small preview of the animation though! 

And the moment you guys are probably waiting for, the Gumroad rewards. These will be mailed out to you on the following month around 5th/6th! 

Here's a preview of what you can expect to find waiting for you at the click of a button! 

The former is for my Premium Patrons while the latter is for my Luxury and First Class Patrons ^^ 

That's pretty much all I wanted to report on for today. I should get back to work ^^;;
Thank you everyone for your continued support. I'm very surprised to see just how far I've come as a creator, making lots of friends and connections along the way over the past year. All of this was only possible thanks to all of you, my dear friends who really pushed me over the limits and grow as an artist with each passing day ^^ 

Thank you! 




Yes! Mosobox? I've had great experiences buying from them so I can't wait!!!


I await the day I can see your merch on Mosobox :)