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The results are out and it seems like it was a very close face off against the top three contenders.

The two winners for this month's poll are Mostima and St.Louis. The first thing that comes to mind is that they both have pretty blue hair which makes me wonder if you guys voted for blue heads because of my OC who also has blue hair. Surely that must be the deciding factor isn't it? Next time I will be more cautious about adding blue haired heroines into the poll in fear of the chance that they might both get voted a lot...j/k 

I haven't really played Metroid before so I'm not too familiar with Samus but from the chats I've been looking at on Discord, it seems Samus is the type of girl who remains mostly expressionless with a stoic personality and zero interest in anything sexual canonically. I wonder if that means I would have drawn her like I would if I were to draw Nightingale [FGO]. 

I know some of you are thinking why not draw the third place as well and as much as I want to, I've limited time this month to focus on art. RL issues are going to be pressing to deal with at the end of the month once again so my real limit would be two waifus this month and as mentioned before they'll probably have to settle for less quality than my usual waifu illustrations. I'll try to make up for it though and maybe enlist the help of Alex too if he's not too busy this month. 

Speaking of Alex... I don't know if you guys remember my Taihou illustration but he's also animating that too. Please look forward to that in the coming weeks ^^  it feels like my collab with Alex will become a more of a regular event every month. 

Alright, that's enough said about the poll results! 

Now that I know who I need to draw I'll begin working my magic on the two blue beauties! 



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