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Mmm...so the new movie came out and I've seen bits of it through trailers yet haven't been able to go to the cinemas to watch it yet... 

But that won't stop me from drawing her! So here she is, Elsa in all her glory showing off her brand new dress with the snap of her finger~! Honestly, her Ice Bending powers would give even the Avatar a run for his/her money. Who needs clothes when you can bend ice to make clothes on the spot. 

The concept reminds me of a scene I watched on Psycho-Pass when inspector Tsunemori turns on the module to switch her outfit from her pajamas into her business outfit/attire when we're shown the first look into her home and lifestyle before she starts her first day as an Inspector of Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division. One snap of her finger and she can change outfits like Elsa can craft a dress out of nowhere...or at least I think that's what happens in the show.  

As if she even needs to ask...clearly Anna has yet to read a lot of doujinshi. But then again this is as far as my fans on Twitter get to see as the below are exclusive content for you guys~! 

I'm dead tired...lack of sleep is one thing but I'm coming down with a fever yet there are more works I need to complete before the month is over. But never fear, I will survive...and finish one more work before the month is over even if I have to do it on a sick bed~! 

Just as Frozen hits our cinemas, the climate here is getting colder and colder...I hope everyone keeps warm and don't catch a cold! 

Oh, and before I forget... Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone!   ^w^ 



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