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Hmm, so I've had this planned for some time but was leaving it on the backburner for a while. Then the trailer came out and I knew I had to get this drawn fairly quick and even then I've been putting it off due to my busy schedule. 

In all honesty, though, I really don't remember the last time I played League competitively. I think I played up to season 1 when Mid Olaf was a niche but very viable choice for players with good aim with the skillshots. I recently had a look at the updated game and jeez theres so much more characters than what I remember haha...^^;; 

Well I'll keep it short since I need to get to sleep but here is the secret? cumshot version that won't be released on my other social media, Patreon Exclusive! hehehe...

Enjoy it while it last though, I've been noticing a lot of my stuff on Patreon has been getting pirated on various sites like Sankaku and sadpanda among various Chinese art boards. Some of them even went around claiming to be me or in other cases I had some Chinese artists claiming it was their art and slapped their watermark over it...and left my signature on the bottom corner plain and visible... ^^;;

I know I say this all the time, in varying degrees in individual DMs on Discord or on my public Discord, but thank you so much for your support ^^ I feel truly blessed to be able to travel the world and produce art for you guys who are like my wings that carry me across the world. 

Thank you so much ~♥



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