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Borisu sensei delivered once again! I swear he's getting better and better at these with each passing month! It's insane... >.>

Believe it or not...this is the second time I'm writing this post because for some reason as I hit publish, my connection crapped out on me and when I refreshed the page... my post was deleted. >.<;; Nuuuuuuuuuuuu

I'm still amazed at the quality improvement Borisu made over the past month, it was difficult to wait for this to come through but now that I look at the final results I can clearly see it was definitely worth the wait. (I-If only he can deliver them a week earlier...I'll be less stressed ^^;; ) 

This is the second video I've edited by adding voice and sfx. I have to say I'm no expert but I think I'm doing a fairly decent job. I never studied how to edit videos before but I learned everything over the shoulder when I was working part-time for a broadcasting studio a few years ago. Looking very closely at it, there's definitely room for improvement but I think I'll be happy with what I've made so far. I'm certain my next video will be improved leaps and bounds (fingers crossed) 

It looks like this month's waifu will end up being Io so please look forward to me drawing her over picarto stream relatively soon! (might even be today after I finish my doodle of Formidable) Speaking of which... I need to figure out what pose I'll draw her. 

Thank you so much for your support~! 


(No title)



wow. that is hot. bravo