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Hello Patreons!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Today, we've got another exciting edition of "Everyday is a Hardcore Day," our series where I share a bit about what's coming up in the Hardcore Ladys' release schedule. Please keep in mind that this schedule is not fixed and may change.

Also, we have the continuation of our interactive story, "Lechoslawa N' Junia: Nightmare!" What you'll see is based on the results of the poll I conducted in the last "Everyday is a Hardcore Day." I'm leaving two more options for you: 

Junia takes charge! 

Lechoslawa takes charge! 

Now the continuation of the story is in your hands!

Accessing Part 2 is a breeze. Just visit the Hardcore Ladys' website and log into your exclusive area. Scroll down a bit and click on the logo marked as shown in the image below.

The screen will slide down to this section. Now, scroll a little further and click on the story marked in the image below. Inside, you'll find the images from Part 1 and 2.

Now let's find out what's coming up for the Hardcore Ladys:

-> Hemy in Pit-Fighter: Hemy faces a tough challenge in this match. But you'll get a glimpse of the power that the Unbreakable Hemy possesses when she unleashes her Ultimate Energy!

-> Kabuki G in A Good Student: Under the guidance of Lechoslawa, Kabuki G will learn to always assert her physical superiority. No matter the opponent.

-> Agnieszka will have a story, but it's still in the early stages, and only a few things are defined. I'm aiming for a story similar to "Streaming of Power," but the opponent is yet to be determined.

I also have scripts ready for Hitomi and Iryna. However, before that, I want to bring back some girls who haven't had a story for a while. Cassie is also eager to return to the rings!

I hope you enjoy the second part of our interactive story. If you have any questions about accessing or finding the content, please send me a message. I'll be more than happy to assist you.

I deeply appreciate your support for my work. Thanks to all of you, all of this is possible.

Thank you, and let's dive into the next story!


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