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Hello Patreons!

Hope all is well with you!

Today we have an Everyday is a Hardcore Day, our series where I bring news of what will be coming to Hardcore Ladys.

In the last Everyday is a Hardcore Day I started an interactive story/game in which depending on the result of the post the story would follow a path.

The winning result was "Hemy use Ultimate Energy and crush the head".

To see the conclusion of the story, just access the Hardcor Ladys website, in the exclusive Patreons area and go to the Hardcore Ladys Super Muscle Show page. The new images are along with part 1, thus closing the story.

Select this option.

In the next everyday is a Hardcore Day I bring the next nightmare and it will star Junia Salles and Lechoslawas together.

What's in the Hardcore Ladys:

-->The next story will be a Hardcore Director, starring ExBimbo in its futa version.

-->Animation of Junia applying the Golden Bomb.

-->Iryna comes back to kick someone hard! A story showing Iryna being challenged.

-->B.Deicide Fun Gardem is back!

I hope you enjoy the next stories that will be coming!

I want to thank everyone for supporting my work.

If you have any questions about how to access the content, send me a message and I will help you.

Thank you very much!



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