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In this quick update we will know the big shape of Agnieszka when she prepares for competitions.

Two special things in this gallery:

-I did a work with the lights.

- Second attempt to make striations in the muscles.(first was in one Agnieszka leg training gallery)

Please give me feedback if it's cool. I intend to improve this a lot.

Here a small interview with Marianna Agnieszka:

-Katrini: Agnieszka ,what can you tell us about your body?

Agnieszka: I trained too hard to have huge muscles. I know Lechoslawa has giant muscles, but she is short,small. I am tall and when I get to grown up my muscles I am much more shocking. Definitely my muscles are awesome!

-Katrini: Which part of your body do you like best? Of the greater prominence?

Agnieszka: No doubt it's my thighs. I am a privileged because my genetics of thighs is great. All my muscles work well, but my thighs explode the limits. It's my "wow factor!" You look at them and you know you're not seeing any leg. These are THE legs!

-Katrini: Which part do you have the most difficulty developing?

Agnieszka: Pectorals. But they look beautiful, I do not have  big boobs ones and with the diets and workouts they get even smaller which helps to enhance my pectoral muscles. But it is very difficult for me to develop.

-Katrini: And to finish ... what's your favorite color?

Agnieszka: (laughs) Blue.


Thanks for your suport! 




Beautiful character... is she going to dominate some lucky male? :P