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This was an... interesting week ( ̄▽ ̄*) I had enteroviral infection first time in my life, had no idea before that human being capable of vomiting 8 times in couple hours. I'm fine now and working with my normal pace again, but releases a little bit delayed (till next week), thank God I had this one week safe pocket for something unexpected (like this).

This week:

  • Working on FH "Reminiscence";
  • Working on "Rampant Vacation Fun".

Next week:

Plan to release all of it, both "Reminiscence" & "Rampant Vacation Fun".




Common to me...Take care.

Porcelain Mask

Glad to hear that your biological rollercoaster ride has ended. Looking forward to release day! Take care of yourself. o/


take care of your health and take the breaks you need. You come first, then your work.