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Hi guys ヾ(・ω・o) As I announced before, October reward will be addition of a beatbar to some of the previous series (please keep in mind that I might be able to add beatbar to not the whole series at once but part of the works).

And which series it will be, its up to you to choose (^ω^)



May I ask for a bit of extra detail about the theee series? Haven't watched them all.


You can find those HMVs in Secret Creamy Stash in previous rewards folders: "Premium" series: - Premium Service - 2021_07 - Premium Treatment - 2021_12 "Vacation Fun" series: - Vacation Fun - 2022_02 - More Vacation Fun - 2022_07 "Monster" series: - Horde - 2021_02 - Legion - 2021_04 - Enslave - 2021_10 - Domination - 2022_06