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Hey guys! February reward is ready, and it is HMV called "Vacation Fun" (◕‿◕✿)

I had no prepared concept in my head this time, so I had to come up with a new one. Actually, I have a lot of ready DC HMV concepts, but all of it already reserved for Eroge's Revenge 3 (〃∀〃)ゞ

Your reward awaits you in "Rewards/2022_02" folder in Secret Creamy Stash. As usual moans/no moans and LQ versions. This time there are 17 sex loops with HMV samples located in the "Extra" subfolder for your personal use \(★^∀^★)/




I have many samples left with same vibe, so let me know if you like this HMV, later I can create "More Vacation Fun" (・ω<)☆


This song lol

Porcelain Mask

I love that you're already planning ahead for the soon-to-be TRILOGY!! Glad to be a supporter, keep up the amazing work!