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  • Preview_(Moans).mp4
  • Beatbar_Preview_(Moans).mp4



Hi guys (・ω<)☆ "Size Matters Dark Side" remaster is finished (`・ω・)9 Same as original "Size Matters" remaster, that's where it is located in Secret Creamy Stash (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ

  • Remaster HMV replaced original version and is in "HMVs" folder. There are versions with and without moans, FHD & low quality;
  • Fap Hero round is in "Fap_Hero" -> "Size_Matters_Separate_Rounds" folder.

I doubted a lot, if this HMV could be turned into a final round, it's first time for my projects when cum round is shorter than others. I even considered an option to add 3rd round (that would require to rewrite story script I prepared). But since there are a lot of other projects waiting for my attention, I decided to give it a shot and here is the result ⊂(・▽・⊂)




Love that you're adding moans to the HMVS now, It makes them so much better 👌🏽