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  • Preview_(Moans).mp4
  • Beatbar_Preview_(Moans).mp4



Hi guys ヾ(・ω・o) I underestimated amount of required work (〃∀〃)ゞ 

And I have a lot of thoughts to share, but before writing a huge wall of text I will let you know where in Secret Creamy Stash it all can be found:

  • Remaster version of "Size Matters" replaced original version and is in "HMVs" folder. There are versions with and without moans, both in FHD and in low quality as well;
  • Fap Hero round is in "Fap_Hero" -> "Size_Matters_Separate_Rounds" folder. There are a lot of files, I hope it's not confusing. Moans/no moans, vertical/horizontal beatbar + LQ versions.

So, now the huge wall of text Ψ(`▽´)Ψ

First of all I would like to apologize to all those, who do not consider remaster as a full-fledged reward (I will make up for that with "Legion" next month). But I still would like to add couple arguments for the sake of this remaster, first of all this project waiting for a very long time and deserves some attention. Second, technically this remaster required much more time, effort and skill than regular HMV even including moans, overall I barely slept this week in order to make this remaster and FH round possible (T_T) 

What was done:

  • With the power of science and neural networks I was able to create Full HD version of original samples. It looks pretty nice in my opinion, much better than original;
  • Since I was able to get all face expressions, I played with that and made tension sequences a little bit more spicier;
  • Moans, ofc (〃ω〃) At this point I probably will be adding moans to most part of my works, I think I learned basic tools & tricks and it do not add too much additional effort;
  • Improved some effects, transitions, track motion;
  • Fap Hero round, with horizontal and vertical beatbar;

For me that was VERY productive experience: work with my old project file, remember what methods I used that time and recognize my overall growth as an editor and creator, that's a good experience. I was surprised how messy and unorganized my old project files are, had to refactor a lot (〃∀〃)ゞ 

What I underestimated most is how much time will be needed for all rendering, this project has a lot of variations: HMV/FH, moans, different beatbars, quality. That is a lot of files and a lot of rendering. I could sacrifice something, but it is very important for me to provide as much versions as possible if there is a room for that in a project. Each person has its own preferences: someone likes moans versions, someone don't etc. Even low quality versions are useful for those who prefer to watch on mobile devices. I actually also wanted to make classic beatbar version with 4:3 aspect ratio, more like in ASSimilation. But I had to cut it off, simply had no time for that (; ̄д ̄)(post a comment if you would like to have it, with enough requests I will make it later)

Currently I'm working on "Size Matters Dark Side" remaster. But even in best case scenario it will take at least 3-4 days of work, so please, do not expect it to be released earlier than tuesday/wednesday. In worst case scenario it will be earlier April... (´_`)




The image quality is maintained even when moving, and it is Great. I hope that the dark side will also be a good work!


TY for the update. This came out great. Excited for dark side as it is currently my favorite hmv from you.


Just for reference what AI are you using to HD upscale? This looked amazing! The motion and edges look super smooth even when you pause it at random times. Almost looks like it was touched up by human. Also don't feel bad about darkside before reading the whole wall of text I thought darkside was going to be a separate project anyway lol.


Not so long time ago I started using Waifu2x. It's completely free and work especially well with anime-style images ( ̄∇ ̄)