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( ̄▽ ̄)ノ Just a list of my organizational plans for 2021 year. Things I would like to add or change.

  • Discord server. Originally I saw no reason to create one, basically I couldn't come up with any functionality that it will be used for. But this year I probably will create it, and here is my thinking why: it's not a secret that recently world went completely mad about reporting and removing lewd content, and since I'm just a simple creator I cannot guarantee that my Patreon page will always be up and running, there are always attemtps to suspend it now and then. And in discord server I can see a backup communication channel where I would be able to share my works even if all will go to hell.
  • New breaks schedule. And this one is pretty important, would like to bring your attention. Most of you aware that besides lewd projects I also have to work on full time job, and recently it also went completely nuts, last time I was able to get a little vacation on it was more than two years ago (´∀`;) Trying to catch up everywhere I quickly overburns myself and that could lead to my content creating efficiency drastically going down, which I do not want. Starting from 2021 there will be two monthly breaks in my lewd projects and Patreon page, one in May and one in November. I will use that time to catch up with all my other activities (like job, lol). And if there still will be spare time, I will spend it to work on side projects and misc stuff like story scenes, scripts, texts, etc. This stuff takes a lot of time, but doesn't leave anything exciting to share with you guys, except huge walls of text and various flowcharts and tables.
  • Info & tiers updates. Simply I just want to groom whole Patreon page. Update page info section, I feel like it's not very up to date and should be more compact (also was thinking about creating short welcome video for new supporters that would show what this community about).  Review current Tiers, think it's descriptions do not presents all current benefits. Maybe will add some new tier, will see.
  • And here, last point, just thinking out loud. I had this stupid idea bugging me for last several months, considering point #2... I was thinking maybe I could hire some another editor to work with me, and that will add more content to the current flow? Cause I often got a feeling that I do not provide enough rewards & materials for all support you guys provide to me (´ヘ`;) But that idea, again, brings so many questions and concenrs... I very care about quality of my works, and what if new hired editor will not be able to keep up with that? I will have to spend more time in order to teach him, instead of saving time? On other hand, why high quality editor would even bother to work with me, I'm just a self-taught content creator. Idk, just wanted to share these thoughs with you guys, that's a shame there are just 24 hours a day. Sorry for that huge wall of text (〃▽〃)ゝ

If you guys have any questions or suggestions regarding current organizational matters, please feel free to post that in comments section (っ^_^)っ



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