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Hey guys, ASSimilation 1st round is ready 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜Overall it is final look, and if I will do any changes in future, it will be only minor tweaks (like audio levels, etc.)

After many tries and experiments I gave up on flashy beatbar after all (at least for now). Basically I wanted to create something in the middle between Blow Away beatbar and beat ASSistant. Juicy ass sideview sex animation that would move to the beat and kinda would work as a stroke point, but whatever I tried it turns into complete mess when pace is rising up (; ̄д ̄) So, i came up with more classic view and it seems ok on 4:3 aspect ratio in my opinion.

With 1st round being finished - that closes up october reward. It could be found at Secret Creamy Stash in "Fap_Hero/ASSimilation_Separate_Rounds" folder ~~旦_(-ω-`。)



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