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Hey guys (*^▽^)/ First HMV for "ASSimilation" FH is ready. It is called "ANALyze.exe". You could find it in "HMVs" folder at Secret Creamy Stash.

Since this FH will be patrons exclusive it's also a part of october reward, "part" because there still will be an actual round (beatbar version). "ASSimilation" intended as a closure for my ass-themed devil carnival works and will consists of three rounds, here is quick overview:

  • ANALyze.exe - plenty of previously used scenes
  • reBUTTal.exe - only (or almost, don't know yet) new scenes that I didn't used before
  • ASSimilate.exe - mix of new and reused ones, but I'll make sure to keep the most juicy scenes for the final round

I had to reuse a lot of samples, since there not so much left to use (^^ゞ But i did a lot of upscaling work and scenes that i already used before should be looking better now.

Also there are couple minor technical issues with some scenes in the final version, I plan to revisit it later and fix.




The picture quality has become remarkably clean, sir! I don't know how you did it, sir, but it was great, sir!


Also, sir, thank you for using the white blinking effect again, sir!


Thank you for the wonderful work. Reuse of the scene is welcome.