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So, as i told you before, i wanted to create more simple beatbar. And here it is (^▽^) For some reason i changed movement direction, i really have no idea why, something clicked in my head and i noticed that only after whole rendering process. But i probably even like this more, maybe it's just fresh look compared to usual movement direction, idk, let me know what you guys think (´~`ヾ)

Now THIS file called "Digital_Pleasure_Beatbar" could be found in "HMVs" folder at Secret Stash along with it's LQ version. Also i created a new folder at the stash root - "Experimental_Stuff", putted previous beatbar version there and beat ASSisstant for AssAssination Extreme. If someone would still need those verisons it stored there now (・ω<)

Oh, also, please keep in mind that i will be publicly releasing Digital Pleasure and AssAssination Relapse very soon, it will happen either in couple hours or tomorrow (depends on my workload). After that all files (except experimental versions) will be moved to public store. Reminder: you always can find link to it at patreon page description ヾ(・ω・o)




Personally, I also liked the original beat bar design, sir. but I like this too, sir. There are not many works that use beat bars coming from both sides at the same time, sir, so there may be people who hate that, sir. However, (Personally) that was good design, sir.


I thought the original was cool too 😅