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Hey guys! ヾ(・ω・o) "AssAssination Extreme" beatbar version is finished, please keep in mind that it is experimental idea for beatbar and i have to decide will i use same concept for next AssAssination HMV or not, so feel free to share your thoughts.

I created both vertical and horizontal versions in both high and low quality, all of that can be found in Secret Stash "HMVs" folder. Publicly i will release it somewhere in may and it will be moved to public vault.

Now, back to the work (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧




Prefer normal style over beat assistant


Old and new variants are good, in my opinion.


I think both variants are good, but i didn't like to see during all the video length the same image as video assistant... it's a bit distracting xD


the assistant detracted from my overall experience.


I love that beat assistant illust. hope you could upload that. but in the video...... same as others. bit distracting.