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Sagher asked two questions in a row because I guess he thinks he's better than all of you.



Buster Davison

Hmm, maybe a woman who also happened to have meat would be more to her liking. Sparky, perhaps?


Time to find sagher and show them whats what


Lol, I love that response 🤣


Why eat if I can go straight to dessert😉

Shwiplash Mac

(Singing voice) ~one of these tits is bigger than the other!~

Oscar Cruz

Wonder if cuddling after sex is a must or a deal breaker for her

Mari Mcgee

I think Penny is a good choice to experiment. But I know Sissy likes men other than her husband.

Glenn Sellers

Perhaps Sagher thought that since the questions were related they could be considered one question.


No meat? I'm trying to wrap my head around pizza with no cheese. Then it's just a bread stick. Now the saying has unusual levels of depth. -_-


Well, now I wanna see what would happen if she crossed paths with Penny.


It's the cheap "cheese analogue" that used to be sold extremely cheap and was used in things like convenient food. People grew very wary of it and it had a really bad reputation. Then the vegan trend took off and they rebranded it as vegan (which it is) and selling it for a shitton more. It's one of the most lucrative products because of this.


A pizza with no meat but still has cheese is considered "vegetarian" not "vegan." The big difference between the two is "vegetarian," or at least the most common forms of it, still allow dairy products since it doesn't harm the milk producer. A few variants also allow eggs and/or seafood depending upon the cultural background. Big take away: Vegetarian eliminates meat. Vegan eliminates all type of animal derived food products.


I’m genuinely surprised that both of my questions were answered. I figured Jay would just choose the more interesting one. What a nice surprise. I should probably buy a lottery ticket. 🤔


More so considered it a game of numbers. Without going crazy, I just tried to increase my odds of getting a question answered.