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Checking in to let you know I've wanted to have more sketches and drawings along with the comic work I'm doing. But I've been tackling some overdue house chores the past few days. Sorry for the lack of posts, otherwise!




All good man, take care your time. Love your artwork

Shwiplash Mac

Cool. Hate it when that happens at my place.


Don't worry about a thing, Jay. Take all the time you need. I will continue to support you always. Your work is worth what you have to take.

Lord Kaio

Glad your not dead

Big bad boys

Don’t be sorry you are just doing things that need to be done ain’t nothing to be sorry about we understand hopefully it all works out and btw love that banner 🤣


Is there going to be something more in depth Beth post kid somewhere down the line serriously it can be porn free I'm more invested in the story at the story at this point.


I don't have big ideas for anything like that, right now. Sorry. Maybe just glimpses as time goes.

Rose Head

no sweat we will be patient. forever and ever


Well, as i always say: "No need to apologize. Real life comes first. No exceptions."


Houses provide relief from so many worries. For example, the worry of what to do with your extra money, or the worry of what to do with your extra time.

Earnest Adams III

You are on your time, dude. We will still be here waiting for ya! 👍🏾

Charlie Hart

I don't know how old you are, but I watched the pace that you put out your artwork, and I really hope that you don't burn yourself out. I'm sure that it is not easy, putting so much horny down on the paper. Please take all of the time that you need, to do your work. And people just have to remember that you are a person, and not an art machine!