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Tyro Thunderdrone

Also don't most 5.56 guns have that forward assist button stuff? Or is that just an AR-15 exclusive thing?


Halo knows nothing

Manrid Brizon

AnCap panties and she knows the reality that there are no perfect firearms, only firearms perfect for their tasks?! A woman after my own heart.😎


Don’t forget 7.62x54r for the lovely mosin

Reptiles of Lustria

As an Olympic level shooter, I think Red is "my girl". Very good, m'lady Red.

Reptiles of Lustria

In a manner of speaking - I represent Canada in the Rifle Disciplines of the Canadian International Black Powder Muzzleloading Team, on the Provincial, National and International stage. I am scheduled to attend the next M.L.A.I.C.'s in Italy. I find it is a perfect blend of my interest in Napoleonic Era history, namely the War of 1812 and my shooting passion. I won first place overall at the Canadian Nationals this year, with 3 Gold.

Reptiles of Lustria

My name is Adrian, btw. The user name is due to my wife and I's side business of breeding Reptiles 😊


For some reason I get your replies to my questions in email, but I don't see them displayed here, when I click the link to reply. Anyway, it's cool that you breed lizards and your black powder and history hobbies are really cool. Thank you. :3

Reptiles of Lustria

Strange! I don't know why they don't display here but I certainly have gotten your replies! I've always wanted to see a comic done by you in my other favorite time. Ancient rome! That might be a fun experiment for you to consider


Even though everyone knows the Mauser is superior to the mosin.


That fact that Russia switched over to the 5.45 kinda shows 5mm cartridges have point.


I absolutely love your art plus firearms info. I know you're not taking asks, but I adore seeing Red! Just need to see if Brandon Herrera agrees. XD

Reptiles of Lustria

Even sexier. Sacrificial Seed and Love Juice for the Gods! "The high priests said "The Gods Demand More Sacrifices! That was always their answer!"


This actually has some great little points.


7.62 x 54r