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Kaori's seed begins to germinate.




We really could've gotten a comic for Kaori too 🤷🏾

AquaWolfX 87

Imagine if Palpatine made such a convincing arguement early on like this.


Is it me or is she getting cuter? :D

Leo G.

Oh no. She's almost at "F*** it." Will she turn into the panda after all? Also, you have a small spelling typo in the first panel: It should be "D--e--bilitating" not "D--a--bilitating".


This vengeance could turn on her to levels she’s never been to. I don’t see any good from this. She’ll get the blame.


My “don’t rock the boat” alarms are blaring at maximum volume 🚨🚨

Rose Head

Can’t really be mad at someone you were basically hooking up with hooking up with someone else but I guess it makes sense if she was thinking it might lead somewhere


Gotta love the art style and story 😁


Brooke is being seduced by the dark side.

Brandon Lynch

Plot twist, he bangs Brookes mom and THAT is on video....then whats she gonna do? 😮


Correction: You *shouldn't* be mad at someone you were basically hooking up for hooking up with someone else. People *can* do all kinds of irrational nonsense.

Manrid Brizon

Stories where scumbags like Coach actually get a comeuppance is always nice.


Kaori is still my favorite character. :D


why is he a scumbag exactly? At a certain age, you take it where you can get it anyway it comes.

Manrid Brizon

Betraying trust is always a moral shortcoming and ethical failure. First, he cheats on his wife. If they had an open marriage, then okay, I get that. Some people don't mind sharing. Never been my thing, but whatever; I'm something of a libertarian. It's implied, however, that he's stepping out and she has no clue. He also could've been up front with Brooke about his flings. Either way you slice it, he's not acting in good standing with anyone, denoting a selfish and self-centered personality. Furthermore, your reasoning is not dissimilar from Walter White's from Breaking Bad, except to a lesser extreme.


Brooke and Coach have no "official" relationship. Coach is in a loveless marriage where his wife sleeps with other men (I've written several comics about her). Brooke is upset in a way that isn't logical, but emotional, because she's still struggling between finding something normal and slipping into old behaviors, perhaps with irrational hopes. Brooke's conscious is, on this page, berating her for feeling bad when she should know better because of the circumstances I just laid out. I'm sorry I had to explain it.

Manrid Brizon

I see. Well, in my defense, I don't really lurk here often. I catch glimpses every 3-4 months when I come back to mass download your work. I'm a monthly supporter primarily because I've been following you for so long, since I was a teen, back in the mid-2000's. Brand loyalty and whatnot. My own projects as a writer more or less take away from my time to lurk. Pardon my ignorance, and keep up the good work. It's a pleasure seeing your art style as it's improved over the years.


It's okay. These characters go back years and have stories that go back that far. It's not possible for most to keep up with and memorize all the details and interrelations. Thank you!


I only remember this crap because ... good memory... and i'm old as dirt and been around this dirty old fandom and it's dirty artists for a lot longer than any person reasonably should. Not that Mr. Naylor here isn't officially dirty old man status himself.