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I did find the time to do this image in bits and pieces. Michael and Claire did finally get a chance to meet.




Then will miss the nice backshot of mikes ass you goon

Asterion Del Toro

Oopsie-daisy, looks like Mother's Day comes early. >:)

Buster Davison

I wonder how well Charles is going to take the news of him becoming an uncle.


I feel that mike so far has had more action with both the old cast and new cast.

Pony Stark

The joke in the dialogue about "feeling different" is the condom ripping


Condom damaged 😮


Yeah him and his sister are just young enough to not look at a place hanging out with college kids but have been around for so long doing the bachelor's things with people twice their age.


Mike already got Samantha pregnant and I don't know why but I think he got someone else pregnant before then but I can't remember who!

Bryant Holmes

That does appear to be a broken condom. Kittens inbound.


Classic breakage


Besides the comics is there anyplace i can catch up on everyone? because i forget some of the individuals sometimes and have to go searching for them.


Hmm something is missing from this picture.....oh yes her sitting on his face