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  • pvideo007.mp4



More chit chat and talking to the $12+ patrons. I chat a bit about Fallout and then what I'm going to do in the future with releasing comic back issues, future comics, and Original Life.




Are the sketches always traditionally drawn then scanned? Cuz I can totally recommend Manga Studio and/or Paint Tool Sai for complete digital drawing. :3


In terms of personality which Companion do you like, does Piper or Valentine interest you, maybe Danse or perhaps cheery Dogmeat is the only one u like? And as for Original Life I kinda liked what you were doing with Veronika as u had me quite curious as to what she would discover but if u wanna go back to picture day then I'm all of it. But it was interesting hearing that you wanna keep them as kids. I kinda wanted to see how you would draw them as they aged even a bit. But whatevs, love Fisk's kids regardless ^^


Not bad on that Fallout progress. I would be close to your level, but work and what my name implies :P Though I know what you mean by the Minutemen quests; they never go away and keep coming back (though worth the artillery.) Do you play anything else beside Fallout or RPG games? On the topic of art however... Out of all the characters you have created, which is your favorite? Be it from style, ease of design, or personality? Thanks for the vid!!!


They are. I work in OSX, so SAI isn't an option. I can sketch okay in photoshop if I have to, and sometimes I do just to remind myself that I can.


Thank you for this new vid and the hints you gave us for future projects. :-) Is there a chance for us to see some kind of comic project like "Short shorts" again? I really enjoyed this one and you made a few three/four page projects in the past. :3 Greetings!