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General announcement time. I've been wondering what to do about this for a while, and I think I'm going to go ahead with this. 

First off, the catalog on the website jaynaylor.com has been down for a while. It's been an old rickety code for a long time, and has always kinda been dangling by a thread. Unfortunately, I haven't had the resources to update it for years; I've been unable to find anyone who knows what they're doing with it, and have been unable to have the person who created it set aside the time to update it. His life is just way too busy, now. The catalog code stopped working a bit ago, and that was well after Patreon accounted for the overwhelming bulk of my income, so it's not a loss for me. But it is a loss for people who want to come in and access back issues. The reason I can't just offer back issues to new pledges is that it's unfair to those who've been supporting me since those comics came out, for new people to just pop in with a single new $6 pledge and scoop up everything.

So, my plan is to distribute the back issues on Patreon, one at a time, about a year after they've already been completed. I'll probably distribute them in the form of downloadable .zip files, starting next year, on the blog roll, as a suitable compromise. I'm interested in your feed back on this.




Great ...


i thinks that's a good idea for now, i just hope you'll find a way to put your catalog back online for your supporter who don't use patreon.


I understand your reasons,I think you have done great.


I've paid for access to most of that stuff at one time or another already. :3 I'd love to see it all available to everyone, but I live paycheck to paycheck for some reason, so my decisions on that front are... questionable... at best. Maybe have one freely viewable for a month, with the steering committee getting to vote on which one? (Just cause voting is fun!)

Lord Chaos

No problems with me.


They wouldn't be available to "everyone", but only to the $6 tiers.

Allen Lewis

This is fair. I'm glad that we are able to see some of the older stuff.


Would it be possible to do 1/4 of the back catalog for every three months of support at the $6 level? That would be close to your old payment for access to everything. So at three months you'd get 1/4, at six you'd get the next, etc... and at a year you'd have access to the whole back catalog. You'd also be able to give the supporters that pay more access sooner, so if someone wanted the full back catalog they could pay $25 for a month.


I have no way of tabulating and tracking that across almost a thousand fluctuating pledges and patrons.


I'm just pumped to get my hands on Brooke's comic.


"just pop in with a single new $6 pledge and scoop up everything" That's pretty much what I did with the monthly pass option you had. ^^;


I have a patron reward level that allows people to pick one past project (on top of the monthly stuff) and get it sent to them. So like, an extra fee ontop of paying the base price for the basic content, they can choose what they want to see from content they have missed. Maybe something like that? (seems to work just fine from my experience with it anyways.) So if someone missed an issue of something, they could pledge to that reward tier, ask for a specific comic release as their bonus, and viola! Content is controlled, and other patrons arent being jipped for $6, as you say. Gives people a chance to get things earlier then well, a year. Which can be a long time to wait for the next part in a story when they know its already been released somewhere/to some people. People would be willing to pay for that content on your website, why not specifically here? Food for thought anyways. : )


Yeah. I need to avoid systems that will entail me receiving and responding to hundreds of messages...


I wasn't aware that the catalog was down, so now having skipped one pledge this past month to save a bit of money, I feel a bit fucked because the cuckold comic was of particular interest. Any chance I could just make an extra $6 donation to get access to it?


I love the bluntness of Brooke's statement lol


I think you´re on a good way to get both sides satisfied. Unfortunately I have no specific idea what might be the best way. I think you can only try to find your way like you did with the monthly release of your comics instead of two pages per week. It works fine and future things will do for sure! :-)


That's great news! I used to have a subscription to your site, and I'll be glad to see the stuff I've not seen yet.


What some artists do is, instead of having people pick a past project, is giving them access to a random one each month, and rotate it. The bad thing is, while that would be fine for some, in your case it'd take years to cycle through all the comic catalog you have built up at the rate of one a month. One way to address that may be to increase the price of the pledge and give out a whole collection of past comics a month, instead of making it a random one. So, for that price, you get your regular $X tier privileges plus the four issues of the Fall of Red Riding Hood, or a handful of the comics where Red makes an appearance, and so on. You specify which each month in advance so the Patrons that are interested switch to that tier for the reward, and those who aren't just keep their regular pledges.


I have a thought. There is a curiosity of mine to see what would happen if the two best furry artists colaborated on the same site. Have you considered contacting Jeremy Bernal, and see if he would bring you on to his sexyfur.com site?


Considering how much I make, here, I'd have to make a substantial pay cut for Sexyfur to afford me. Also, the editorial requirements for Sexyfur, from what I understand, are too restrictive for me. I can't do the kinds of stories I want to do if I'm required to have nudity on every page, or I'm forbidden from using humans.


I was a user of your old catalog on jaynaylor.com and a fan of the monthly pass option that you offered. I decided to check your catalog after a while and noticed your update about Patreon. I was a little bummed when I saw you only issue links to comics via email at the first of the month (I pledged Oct. 2nd) and now I'm even more bummed that I won't be able to access the back-issues I was looking for. So out of curiosity what's wrong with creating a one-time or recurring pledge level that has access to all back issues? That would basically replicate the functionality of the broken catalog.


A higher tier level would be a good idea, but for things I put on the blog roll, it'd just be too easy for people to mine the items and cancel pledges. Still, I think next year I'll start uploading back issues to be accessible.


As a PHP programmer myself I can not help but wonder how much work would be required to get things back up, at least maybe for a few months or so with a warning that it will go down again, if that's still the best way to go.


Hi Jay, just a thought. If you want to be fair concerning people who are new (like myself), maybe they could "buy-in" with a large pledge to level the playing field with veteran supporters? You could establish a one-time amount that you think is fair for access to back issues only. Then for any future issues you create, they could continue pledging with the tiered system (like the $12 Tier or whatever) since everyone would be essentially at the same level of contribution going forward.