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Just a work and chatty vid where I put the shades on part of the comic I'm working on while talking about it. It's open to the $12+ steering committee tiers, and it's open to your discussions, questions, and remarks. I originally intended for it to be around 15 minutes, but it turned into 25.

The video can be downloaded by clicking the attachment link to the lower right.





Nice video. I find it really relaxing just to watch the shading process and listen to your "ramblings". Not much else to add then, I just really liked it :).


I like listening to this because of the backround informations you give us and let know more about why you do things the way you do them. Thanks!


Good vid, this will be interesting if this does become a regular occurrence. You ever think of doing Streams?


I'm not really into streaming. I think the social interaction there would be kind of distracting, and I'm still self conscious about people watching me draw, live.


2 questions did pop into mind today. 1. Why did you choose anthropomorphic as your main focus? Or how did you end up sticking to it? 2. Are all the stories in Better Days or Original Life fictional or are some based on true stories? And maybe elaborate on the true stories?


I would love it if you did some explanation videos while you worked (how you got into art, what inspiration you use for the various scenes/characters, how you keep character development flowing, what you do when ideas just won't come, etc.). In the end, though I'm just proud to be supporting one of the best furry artists in the genre!


Just sort of fell into it, really. I remember drawing comics in school, and I needed a bunch of alien races, and animals were and easy way to evolve them. Nothing in my webcomics is based on any real event, except for the part about being forced to write letters to Japanese whalers by a shitty 2nd grade teacher. That's it.


I'm not sure I can explain how I got into drawing things when I've been doing it since I was a kid.


It's quite refreshing to hear your thoughts out loud rather than in the form of Patreon posts/comments and was interesting to hear you talk about making an effort to develop characters to be more than just two dimensional objects. The kind of psychological repercussions, and sometimes struggles, of a character's actions is what I really enjoy in your work. The quality to file-size ratio was really good IMO. Looking forward to more in the future.


Funny thing is, I didn't contribute until I found out you had a Patreon. In a way leaks can be a type viral marketing. So people who appreciate your art and are curious of how to support you, can. Not saying I support leaking anything, *cough*but it is the way I found your Patreon page*cough*. I've always enjoyed the depth of your characters. Just as in real life, things can be simple or overly complicated and hard. Which is why I liked Better Days and Original Life and I'm glad that you have decided to start on it again. I also really enjoy the evolution/progression of an artists art style. Which looking at your older material and seeing your current work, while knowing we all are supporting you gives a sense of pride. As I've said to before, it was hard getting that commission slot. One second the notification would pop up and by the time you followed the link, the slot was gone. I have to say it was well worth the constant attempts to obtain it. That being said I like being a bit more specific about what I would like to see. Though I don't mind just throwing characters together, but it just feels cold. To me its always been enjoyable to see circumstance happen which leads up to a major point. So I kinda plan on things to be fairly tame at first, before getting really steamy. Look at me ramble on about things you obviously know. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing all of your work!