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I'm back from my out of town trip and ready to get back on schedule. First of all, I'm probably going to wait until the end of the month to release the finished Wolf Queen comic on my catalog, even though my current patrons, here, have seen most of it. It's sort of a hat-tip to my patrons, to give them a view of the completed comic (as well as the initial pages of the next upcoming feature), before catalog people do. With Patreon making up the bulk of my income, I'm no longer dependent on catalog release dates, and can schedule them whenever I want. Secondly, I'll be back into the swing of sketches and other things starting tomorrow. I appreciate all your patience in the lack of new material in the last couple of days. Thank you all!




we're here to support and we know you'll give us what we want eventually and we're patient and reasonable for the wait for the work, glad to support and look forward to reading the new comic soon:)


P.S. Hot cover, love the wolf girl's definition, feels like a combination of samantha and the lesbian chick with the tranny (shemale? I'm exposed to the content at times but feel as confused as Alan in Hangover 2) either way to me it's like the combination because of the hair, fur, and definition similarities, I've also noticed there's no thick fur neck like the lesbian chick I prefer that in my opinion. love the art, good cover, I have nothing but high hopes on this comic and future works.


looking forward to reading the conclusion to this, and just loving the cover.


i want see this comic


HI jay!! I just joined as a patron and would love to read the comics that you have posted on the site ^_^ I really enjoy your stories and think your art work in amazing


Hello, Savannah. Thank you for the support. Right now back issues aren't available, since they're sent out as links, and I have to remain fair to people who've supported me from the beginning. But next year, I will start releasing back issues onto the blog roll, about a year after they were created.


Hello, Savannah. Thank you for the support. Right now back issues aren't available, since they're sent out as links, and I have to remain fair to people who've supported me from the beginning. But next year, I will start releasing back issues onto the blog roll, about a year after they were created.


Fair enough. lol ^_^ Thanks for getting back so quickly