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Just a little something for Sunday.



Wind Might

I hope she is pregnant from Francis

Bryant Holmes

It's hard to compete with Alicia... in anything.


A small bit of jealousy is always nice~

Mari Mcgee

The jealousy is strong within her.

Pony Stark

Getting some Coffin of Andy and Leyley vibes


Well could be alcohol free beer. (I know, where is the fun in that??? XD) And who says, he meant Alicia??? XD


Heh, i can see why Francine is jealous here. Alicia has some REALLY nice proportions where you just NEED to be jealous of, PLUS she gets fucked by Francis all the time.


Why is Francine’s nose cartoonishly large compared to her brother’s or Alicia’s? Is it cause she’s a cartoon?


Okay that's pretty funny right there lol


"Yuk it up, Boobzilla..."


Extrovert taking their introvert friend out to a bar


All I gotta say is that Francis is just as lucky as me, my guy.


Someone looks a little jealous


You must be this tall to ride the Francis.


Big nose looks cute hehe

Ben Bauer

yep i take both ^^


Alicia: Francine you don't need to have big boobs to get a man. Francine: Well then how can I make myself more appealing. Alicia: Well first off you can start by taking care of yourself. Like showering, brushing your hair, giving your coat a good shining. Francine: EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Sneaky V

Her funny upturned nose is so silly. Like if you poked it, it would honk....or she would maul you. Perhaps both but it'd be worth it.

Magic Puppy

I had "friends" like that. I hate them. Porn is a great substitute for friendship.


Hope Alicia has peanut butter because Francine's so jelly! Excellent example of how well you do expressions and contrast between characters. Hilariously great juxtaposition between both of them here. In addition to the obvious size difference, details like how frazzled Francine's hair is compared to how nice Alicia's looks and Alicia's clothes being on properly while Francine's shirt is hanging off her shoulder are nice touches to show the difference between their personalities. It's impressive you can give your cast so much character even just in scenes like this!