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All done. I'll be elaborating on the dynamic between these with more images later. As succinctly as I can put it, Francine crushes on her brother Francis, Francis doesn't want to do anything with her, and is happy with Alicia - Francine is jealous of Alicia. Alicia is beautifully oblivious.




Alicia my beloved And also francine my other beloved


Alicia is such a lucky girl 😪

Mr. Powell

Damn I like this sketch idea

T-rex 1973

How did Francine end up under the bed? Wonder if she needs to take care of things hearing that pounding going on above her

Matt letterman

The notion that Francis would decline any sexual desire thrown at him is laughable (even if it’s his own sister)


Normally I'm just mesmerized by Alicia's figure, but your definently drawing Francis more toned and fit and I'm here for it. Brooke really dropped the ball with these two 💀


Are Francine and Francis twins? With the name I got that vibe

Bryant Holmes

Alicia is beautifully oblivious to so many things; probably the curse of actually being a nice person.


Was she masturbating under her brother’s bed?


Francine's stifling Her own cries of pleasure as moisture and vapor rise from Her nether regions. The activity above will rise to a crescendo soon...


Is Francine masturbating to hearing her brother fucking Alicia above her. Bigger does Alicia hear Francine masturbating or see apart of her from under Francis's bed?

Pony Stark

Francine is definitely stealing underwear and/or samples afterwards


A very interesting situation

Glenn Sellers

A better question would be, "IS she masturbating under her brother's bed?" LOL.


Would like this to become a whole thing


Why do I get the feeling that Francine wants to be a part of this


Hope this goes somewhere~


Hehe, situations like this are a good reason to learn to "silently masturbate". XD I just wonder, what turns Francine on the most on this situation. Hiding under the bed, masturbating while her bro fucks Alicia on top of her? Or her brother fucking Alicia while she masturbates TO it? (maybe imagining that her bro fucks HER?) XD


Francine’s snoot boopable 10/10


Imagine being parents and thinking "ah yes, these name are perfect, they will have no issues at all!"


Ha! This is a hilariously great scenario. It's fun to see all the different situations you can come up with for your characters! Great job making the scene feel energetic. The motion line, sound effects, and especially the headboard of the bed impact work well for that. Also, excellent expressions here! Both Alicia's and Francine's are top notch. Making characters expressive is definitely a major strength of you work. Details like the hearts, musk, Francine's heart thumping and her being wet are all great touches! And I noticed those books in the back too. You continue to be a gentleman and a scholar! Thanks again for sharing your artwork!