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Hello, weirdoes! I haven't done a lot of updating since I've been really focusing on comic work with my work time. I mayyyyyyyy be able to have Mom-Off finished by the next comic update, but I'm not sure. It might take me to the next one. But the key is it's almost done.

Often I would do a poll of the steering committee for the next comic, but this time I'm making an executive decision. It's something I want to do. I'm going to dive right in to making Mistress Theressa's Cottonwine universe bestiary book my next main adult project. It's going to have some differences from the last (unfinished) incarnation that will make it, I think, far better.

- The old Mistress Theressa's Guide To Carnal Exotica was designed as text pages with illustrations added. The new version will be art-heavy pages, with regions reserved for text. I'm going for the opposite ratio of text to art this time, but not skimping on information.
So instead of 70/30 text to art, you're going to see 70/30 art to text, as my goal.

- The entries for the races will feature sections for both males and females of the race. So, there will be pages for those who like women with anthro males and monster males, as well as pages for those who like men with anthro females and monster females.

- The pages will be written as in-character entries by Theressa, but she will not be the sole subject experiencing the different diverse races of the Cottonwine unvierse.

The Cottonwine world hasn't gotten a lot of attention in a while, and I'm inspired to get this done. If you're not a big fan of that world, I'll still be doing pictures from my other worlds and characters, and Brooke Goes To College will still keep going (part 4 is almost done and part 5 is going to be fun as hell).

Those are my plans coming up. Thank you for your support. It means more than you know and it makes all of this possible!




I'm down


Love the Cottonwine universe! A masterful executive choice!

Bryant Holmes

I for one welcome our new insect overlords...


Cottonwine was how I found your stuff so to say I'm excited is an understatement. Might there be a few snippets about M/M and F/F relationships as well?

Rose Head

Oh my god my whole heart bursts

Rose Head

Part 5 please!!!

Texas Gent

Always down with cottonwine!


Fingers crossed! Looking forward to it either way, the unfinished version and Enemy were great additions.


I couldn’t be happier, delightfully excited for this. I’ve waited so long to you to return to fantasy elements of the cotronwine universe.


Sounds fantastic, I look forward to seeing what you've cooked up

Dale Evans

Awesome! So looking forward to Mistress Theressa and love the plan for it!


Whoo! The Cottonwine universe/stories are my favorite of your stuff, glad to be getting more

Big bad boys

Let’s go !~ looking forward to it !~


Looking forward to it! And the possibility of the mission being finished is exciting.

Kellhound 722

Red Riding Hood's paladin adventure was my introduction to your work, and I've been hooked ever since! Still slightly bummed you never got to give us the syfy adventure that had ODST bunnies, but you're only one artist and you gotta do whatever satisfies your creative itch, cause anything forced wouldn't be as good as what you post!


Whoo! More future comics, just take your time no need to rush things


This is gonna be a good year for sure


Sounds most amazing sir!! Looking forward to it😊


Super stoked, your work is always incredible! side note, ever considered any of your comics in a printed form? Im sure im not the only one who would jump on having any of your work in printed form.


Is there any chance, that there would be Anthro Deers/Does aswell? :3


Awesome! Can't wait to see it.


Every piece of artwork of yours is always fantastic! I simply don't mind whatever you put up because each panel or sketch breathes creativity!

Brandon Lynch

Sounds great love c wine! Would love it to be more story like but still stoked either way!


Love to hear that. Finally, Cottonwine. By the way - will Brooke's story ever end? I'd like to wait for it to finish before reading the whole in one go.


excited for more on cottonwine, i like worldbuilding stuff


Hopefully there are more anthro females like: wolfs, lapins (the rabbits) and fennecs.
