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When I learned about a woman who could orgasm from doing core exercises, I decided to give this amazing flaw to Alicia. I drew her doing bicycle kicks because I thought it'd be the most fun to draw.

I'll finish this for y'all tomorrow.




For those of you wondering yes this is actually a thing (been a bodybuilder/trainer for about 6 years now). Most of the time it seems to happen during leglifts but I’ve even had a friend tell me she gets “coregasms” from pull-ups. Add this to the women who sometimes pee themselves during deadlifts and squats and you’ve got a real degenerate place without even trying. 😂

Razak Wolf

Absolutely not just unique to women either, I've enjoyed them during intense core workout too


Heh, thats not a flaw, thats a complete win. XD Even when her daily workout is probably the best orgasm-chain ever. XD