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It's no secret that without the trixel+ community we wouldn't be able to do what we're doing. We say it a lot (and we can never say it enough), but we are so grateful to every single trixel+ member - past and present.

However, actions speak louder than words, and you've all requested it! So, here's a little extra gift...

Introducing the "Trixel+ Exclusive T-Shirt" for Restitched! Lovingly crafted using the finest threads coated with 24-karat gold, this premium shirt will shimmer, daze and dazzle (with a special shout-out to Lead Artist DeRose ("Ozy"), Concept Artist Daniel, and Project Lead / Designer Halston).

What does 'Exclusive' mean for Restitched?

Exclusive content can only be gifted via Steam Keys for hidden store items. It cannot be sold as DLC or purchased by the player. We generate the keys ourselves, so each piece of exclusive content comes directly from us.

It's our way of saying thank you to the community, by giving an extra special item for our extra-special supporters to show off!

Who will get this content?

We're not quite certain how this piece of content will be distributed just yet. We're currently brainstorming various ways to generously reward this content for years to come.

For example, this may be awarded through Patreon-exclusive events, contests, and giveaways. We’re also keen on rewarding supporters who’ve been with us before a certain date (such as launch), but the logistics of distributing that many keys is still to be explored!

One thing is for certain… We’ll be providing lots of opportunities for you all to snag this exclusive apparel for your Stuffy once the game is out!

How much exclusive content will trixel+ get?

This t-shirt is currently the only in-game content that we intend to be trixel+ exclusive.

How does the shirt work in-game?

You'll find the Exclusive Trixel+ T-Shirt in your Stuffy's Wardrobe menu, where it can be equipped just like any other cosmetic item.

Oh, and did we mention it sparkles?




That is awesome!!!! Worth every penny that I spent to help you guys out!!!!!!




Maybe you could make it as a pre-order shirt? But patreon exclusive also sounds nice. Maybe could do one for both when it's released! Either way I'm excited for the game and will most definitely try to get it 😤