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it is just a warning to make it clear how the stars work in experiments hehe every month you receive a star, the stars are stackable... and they can be redeemed in various extra rewards

Here I talk a little about the extra rewards

Now for the experiments..

As there are only 4 slots available for the experiments per month and this month there were more than 4, they will be randomly selected, where the number you have will be depending on the comment you gave here https://www.patreon.com/posts/summer-theme-53651186

So the first comment is the number 1 and so on.. the people who will be selected at random will be left out of the experiments... so will be left  the 4 people who will participate in the experiments

The more stars you use, the more chances you have to get a slot its like a 1 more ticket to participated hehe

so.. the results will be announced on the discord server hehe good luck everyone!!!



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