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Hi folks!

I'm pretty much all done for rewards this month, but I am waiting on 2 patrons, who I have already messaged here, but so far have not received a response. So, here's my last ditch attempt to reach you!

You have until midnight (GMT) of the 21st of January to tell me what you want for a reward. If you don't get back to me before then, I will assume you don't want anything and you'll get nothing, and that you just want to support me at that level.

The deadline exists so that I have a buffer period between this month and the next to finish rewards for everyone before I need to start accepting new prompts on the 1st. Don't lose out on your rewards!

I hope to hear from you soon,




Where did you message them through? I haven't been on my discord in a while.


I reach out here on Patreon, as I understand folks don't always use Discord. If you haven't received a message, there's nothing to worry about!