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Hi folks.

I'm very sad to say that my loving, faithful cat Shed passed away today due to heart complications.

As such, I'll be taking some time off to collect myself before returning to work on the comic or any other projects.

Thank you for understanding,




Take your time


I understand, i lost my dog when i was away and i cried because i was not with him when he passed away, take your time.

Kie Dough

Aaaaw, that always hurts She's now left to cuddle all the ponies on the other side

Theo Winters

I'm sorry for your loss, take as much time as you need.


You deserve more then just some personal time. Come back, when you feel ready, your art is worth the wait, but you're more important then that.


Sorry for your loss tea. Take all the time you need. It’s hard loosing a pet