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Hello all~

This update has been on my mind for a while now, but no point in delaying it anymore and it's time to make a post about it.

So there will be some changes to my patreon page in the near future, I don't want to do anything drastic and just ease into these changes.

So far the plan is to keep March as is and then put my patreon on a hiatus and pause billing for April-May-June and resume billing in July onwards. This should give me enough time to prepare for Dokomi(and hopefully some other cons this year).

This month will be chill art updates, I will continue to post one page a week of my Cupid Deku 2.0 comic and will start working on some OC concepts and merch for Dokomi, which I will be sharing with you in WIP form.

After this hiatus I will most likely start to shift more towards my original content, I've been in BNHA fandom for 4 years and I've been creating art and comics and posting to patreon every month, this is the most productive I've EVER been, but I've always wanted to create my own stories with my own characters and I think it's time I take it more seriously:')

That doesnt mean I will stop drawing fanarts altogether, but they won't be my main priority anymore. I still have some of my weird ideas(like my fantasy au mini comic ughh) I'd like to draw for BNHA/BkDk but I want those to be drawn for myself and when I have more energy.

This weird transition/burnout period has made me very anxious and uncertain, because change is never easy, but oh well, let's see how things will go!🥲

I will keep you all posted with any changes and updates, thank you all for your support, likes and comments they are always highlights of my gloomy days😭💕



Do whatever makes you happyyyyyy and it will be amazing!!!!!! 💜


Yaasss!!! I am so excited for this new chapter for you! Can’t wait to see your original characters and stories and be apart of your journey 💜💜💜💜💜


You got this \^w^/ excited to see your original content when you post it :3


I've always enjoyed all you content and am very excited to see your original work! Can't wait but take all the time you need to recoup! All the love and support!❤️💙❤️💙


Omg you‘ll be at Dokomi??!!! I‘ll be broke after con I guess


Super hyped to see what you'll do with OCs!


I can't wait to see your ocs and what you'll do with them!


Hope the con prep goes smoothly, excited to see ur OCs when ur back 😍


So excited for your next stage! Can’t wait to see OC content!!


Goodluck with con prep!! Excited for your future OC works, Sasha!! 🙏🏼💞💞 Definitely always draw for fun, first and foremost! 😤🥰


So proud of you and I can’t wait to support you through this cuz it’s gonna be AMAZING


I can’t wait to meet your OCs and get to see OC content from you! I’m sure I’ll absolutely adore it! Your art is all incredible and I really appreciate that you will still be sharing your art on Patreon!


So excited for your oc content!

I'm so gay I hate myself lol

I'm excited to see your oc content! Your designs are absolutely gorgeous and literally anything you make has me gagged, enjoy your rest!!!


No problem, just do what you like !! I will be glad to support you, with your new stories ♥️


Good luck on the transitions here and the work for the upcoming cons! I’m very excited to see your oc comics/projects! 💚