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AH HERE IT ISSS!!! Aira and I have been working on this since July?? I'm so happy we can finally share our Enho labor of love with you guys!!👀

This is Aira's beautiful gorgeous lineart that I've colored, honestly can't explain how much I loved coloring her beautiful art and honestly working with her is a delight cuz she's absolutely precious 😭💕💕💕 

I've legit spend so much time just looking at the details she's drawn and esp the gorgeous faces, esp Hawks' needy h*rny face aaaaa just LOVE IT *kisses my screen*💕

My lineart and her stunning coloring can be seen on her patreon so you better sub to her👁️👁️

Give her some love on her twit too🥰



Peter Shaw

Wow to both of you! The *need* on Keigo's face... the flush on Enji's... the rising steam... the spit. the pre. the cum... 💖🔥 great, great, GREAT work from both of you! we are blessed! ...and i can't believe it took me so long to notice, but... same outfits yeah? so these are two different points in the same night, right? This one, right after dinner (still on the date!!)... the other (Sasha's lines) after *barely* making it through the door getting back to Endeavor's place...


So lovely and intimate omfg