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Hello all and Happy New year!

So I will try to keep it short, since I tend to ramble in these posts.

Plans for January: 

do a couple of NSFW pics for patrons only, do at least one SFW patron pic

prep Incubus comic for print with a cover and extra content(I am almost done oh my god)

post the PDF files for both incubus and the valentines comic, I'm sorry I'm a goob, I forgot to post them ;;;;

make new charm merch for con season, I will be sharing the finished merch pics on here 

Plans for 2020:

So 2019 was an amazing year and I cannot thank you all enough for the support I received ;;; ❤️❤️❤️

Some things will stay the same, I will make sure to post at least one NSFW and one SFW pic for patrons only, if I post early access pics, I will try to include some doodles for patrons only.

I plan to make at least 2 comics this year, both will be patron exclusive and maybe 1 comic that would be early access.

I also plan to dip my toes back into animation 👀 I checked CSP's animation function and it looks pretty good, so I want to make some lewd animation loops. Nothing set in stone yet, I want to see how long one of them would take me, for now they will be put under 5$ tier, if things will go well, I /might/ make an animation only tier...or not

Patron streams are also one of the things I want to start doing in 2020, I already have enough for a new PC and I already contacted my IT man I usually ask for help! Once I get my new PC I will start scheduling them!:3

And last thing:

I would like to add some variety into patreon polls maybe? Like make a couple of polls where you can chose, a ship, the theme and the kink.

Or polls where I'd have 3-4 poses doodled and you chose which should I finish?

Maybe an interactive comic with polls where you get to decide what happens next and I draw it as we go 👀

Please let me know what you think!❤️



I'm excited to see what the new year brings! 💖 I think the poll ideas are wonderful! Love the vote on the doodle idea, also the interactive comic seems like a lot of fun!! 🥳🥳


All of this sounds amazing!! 😲 all the different kind of poll ideas sound really fun, whichever one you choose I'm super pumped! And this is just my opinion but animation seems like a lot of time and effort so a new tier would be okay imo ♡ either way 2020 sounds like it's gonna be an awesome year! 🥳


Thank you so much! 😭💕 Animation does take some tim and effort and some more anatomical knowledge, but it just sounds so fun! And i would maybe make the tier 7$? 🤔


Thank you so much Kiwi 😭💕 interactive comic idea was one of the things i wanted to do for so long!! So i might try 👀


I would really like to see an animation or two before committing to an animation tier but I have a lot of faith in your skills and am extremely excited to see where this idea will take your art! For the polls, an interactive comic sounds like a lot of fun! Maybe one themed after a pre-set event of your choosing (valentine’s day? character bday? Really early Halloween?) and not too long would be nice. Here’s to a wonderful 2020! 🎉


Oh yes ofc, i understand that! That's why i would definitely leave animations for the current nsfw tier 😂 That's a good idea! 👀 Valentine's day coming up next month, I will try to think of something for it! Maybe a short interactive comic 👀


You could also have ‘bad end’ or ‘joke end’ routes that we could accidentally end up on as well 😆 I think it would be fun but I understand that that would definitely take more planning than a usual interactive comic. Very excited to see your art grow this year as well! ♡


That's a very good idea on "joke" endings!! I love those 😂🤣 i will definitely try to plan something 👀👀


That's a lot on your plate! And like everyone else I like all the ideas. I think I would be looking forward the most to your streams because I always learn a thing or two from them. I have hardly joined any art streams in the past years and I'm missing it because they are always fun 😌


I am extremely excited for the streams too!!💕 I know it might look like a lot, but i will definitely will pace myself and will make sure to rest but also work hard! 😤


I think 7$ would be very fair, I would def subscribe to that tier !! I def think that you (and other artists) having fun is the most important and really shows in the art uwu


I love your comics so much so I am hella anticipating these 2020 ones 👀 I firmly believe that you should have a separate animation tier because that’s so much work holy shit pls don’t undersell yourself. All of these ideas seem wonderful but also pls make sure to take care of yourself 💕💕


Ahhhh this is so exciting! I cant wait to see what u do next! Would love to possibly see some bakudeku merch also! The way how u draw them together hdhdhd I'd love to own more stuff created by u!❤🥺