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Alrighty! I am excited to share that I am working on a new Hotel Owner active career but with that I also wanted to see how everyone felt about the Resort Owner career. I'm thinking of updating it in addition to adding the Hotel Owner.

I'll share with you some ideas that have popped in my head. Please take the below with a grain of salt it's features I HOPE to include and will do my best to make sure they are all included. 

I haven't yet gone through all of the For Rent features to see what could possibly be included, so there could be more or less.

Any ideas of how to improve the Resort Owner or any ideas for the Hotel Owner (Active) Careers. Also look for a new poll coming soon to vote on a mo of your choice! Make sure to submit a mod request because 90 % of the options on the poll come directly from that. Link here https://kiarasims4mods.zohodesk.com/portal/en/newticket make sure to drop down and select mod request.

Thank you!



oo! I know For Rent has a feature where tenants can complain to the landlord about issues like mold, roach infestations, and water leaking, etc... so maybe that could be useful here too! like maybe the hotel manager has to respond to all the crisis and stuff


As someone who used to work for a long-term stay hotel, I agree with this.


Sounds so cool! Wish it could somehow be collaborative with Grumpy's Hotel & Resorts Mod!

kayley whipp

Is the hotel functional where other sims residents can use it as a hotel and will function even when I am not playing/controlling the owner of said hotel? I hope I worded that right lmao