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8/12 - If you leave the file in with the previous name and the new file, a last exception will occur. Please make sure you delete any files with previous names, the best thing you can do is clear all files and just re-download them that have been updated using the zipped file folders.

The main 


Just a heads up: I am updating mods and with updates comes new names for some mods. Please make sure to check when you re-download a mod that that it hasn't been re-named including the file. An example is the Food Store lot trait has been changed to Grocery Store, so this means you need to delete the old food store file before downloading the Grocery Store Lot Trait.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rk3K_Z_6Wf1t5V02PDA008wOOKfKjVwIWpw8mlglngM/edit#gid=1013132832 You can use my document here, not many names have changed but some have.

If you leave the file in with the previous name and the new file, a last exception will occur.

Let me know if you have any questions about this. Thank you!



I am just curious, but what is with the name changes? I'm not complaining. Just curious.


I renamed some mods for accuracy. Things like "Basketball Stadium" to Basketball Court or "Food Store" to Grocery Store and etc.


I couldn't find the updates..


Hi I had your active careers, careers and traits before and everything was fine but when I downloaded horse ranch my sims just won't sleep in their bed when I remove all to find out which mod is the problem it's the folder with the lifestyle trait. I updated it and same thing happening.