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Lawyer Career

Required Packs: Discover University and Get To Work

Other Requirements: Basemental’s Venue List and XML Injector

Helpful Tip: Active Career Tutorial Guide created if you can not get the venue to show. Click Here!

Law Career Tutorial Video Here

Career Levels

Legal Process Server

File Clerk

Legal Secretary


Budding Barrister

Adept Attorney

Promising Attorney

Gavel Smasher

Honorable Arbitrator

Chief Justice

Computer Interactions

File Court Documents (Level 1 to 10)

Research Case Law (Level 4 to 10)

Check Verdict Status (Level 5 to 7) - Will only show after attending trial.

Craft Legal Argument (Level 5 to 7)

File Legal Motion (Level 5 to 7)

Make Rulings (Level 8 to 10)

Read Pleadings (Level 8 to 10)

Research Legal Issues (Level 8 to 10)

Write Supreme Court Opinion (Level 10)

Social Interactions

Discuss Case Law

Chat about Scandalous Lawsuit (Level 3 to 10)

Meet Prospective Client (Level 5 to 7)

Offer Legal Representation (Level 5 to 7)

Phone Interactions

Deliver Legal Documents (Level 1 to 3)

Take Lawyer Exam (Level 4)

Attend Deposition (Level 5 to 7)

Attend Trial (Level 5 to 7)

Attend Verdict Reading (Level 5 to 7) - Will only show once you receive a text message.

Preside over Case (Level 8 to 10)

Visit University Law Class (Level 8 to 10) - This interaction can only be completed when Don is at work.

Guest Speak at University about Law (Level 9 to 10)


Research & Debate


Law Firm (Levels 1-4)

Law Office (Levels 5 - 9)

Supreme Court Building (Level 10)


Sims with a degree in History or Language and Literature will jump to the Budding Barrister career level. Make sure to re-download the University Level Jump Career file.

Helpful Information: After your Sims attend trial, you must use the Check Verdict Status interaction on the computer and once you do that once a verdict is reached you will receive a text message, BUT you must not be at the career venue. It's a conflict for a drama node to appear when the sim is at the active work career venue. You can head home for the day but before you do check for a verdict status using a work computer.

Once a verdict is reached, a drama node will appear within 1-4 hours. You will then use your phone and look under the work menu to attend the verdict reading. Sims can win cases, lose cases and sometimes you may see a deadlock. To attend the verdict reading, you must have the buff shown below.

Once you have this buff above, you will then see Attend Verdict Reading on your phone:

The above is an example of a Sim who won the case.

Place the appropriate venue in your game and then make sure you have selected the venue as the lot type. Then your Sim will be promoted to go to work. If you are unable to head to work, watch the active career tutorial video above.




Question, for these careers that involve multiple venue types, do you need them all placed when starting the career and at low level or just the corresponding venue for the level of the career your at?


I have watched the tutorial twice and I know other employees are suppose to show. Anyone else just working with the assistant only, I’m on lvl 5

Sam D.

Just want to give you a head's up that the link to your video explainng the law career doesn't work. The video is listed as "Private" and is not accessible. That's true both here and on your site.

Sam D.

Hi, since the video tutorial is not working I'm not sure how some functions are supposed to work. I have a sim that I cheated up to level four for storytelling purposes, and built the law firm venue, which shows up fine as such. When it's time to go to work, I get the normal semi active career pop up which allows the choice to WFH, Go to work, or PTO. If I choose Go To Work, he goes into a rabbit hole. If I choose WFH , I can use the normal travel menu to go to the law firm. Once there a couple colleagues do show up, though they don't seem to do anything. He can work on the computer there and complete tasks.Is this functioning as intended?


Sounds like something is not setup correctly. I have a typed up active career guide here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WpqVtyfFwMdMbdOfFzLtUwEZ0U1joxzqA_nNoUn8B8o/edit?usp=sharing

Sam D.

I did review that document on your site before now, and just have again,and all the requirements are there- XML, latest venue list, items on site, venue type verifies on world map. All the mods are properly located within my mods folder and working fine for other mods (XML, venue list). And the venue is partly working since at least one other employee shows up there.So the venue does seem to be set up correctly.Other thoughts? Can you clarify also what is supposed to happen?

Sam D.

I tried it with another sim who just joined the career from their phone and I employed no cheats,and things seem to be working as intended. So it may have something to do with the fact that I cheated up the first sim? I'm not sure but the problem seems to be specific to the sims who I cheated up to a level 4.


I'm not sure if cheats impacted it. But in the future, please check without cheats. Thank you!


Hello , all your venues pop up in my game but this one . What am i doing wrong ?


If you are seeing all venues but one you need to take a look at your mods folder and make sure the mods you have that impact venue lists are updated.


Hey Kiara, I enjoy playing this active career for the lawyer, but I was wondering if you intended to have the lawyer employees to all be from the active doctor career. Even when I play the active artist career, the coworkers are doctors, medical specialist, nurse, etc.


It's likely because the Sim filter is listed as doctor roles, I may end up changing it but when I was creating the mods and did Sims just stood around. How are you seeing that this is their jobs because that's generally hidden in the background and only should be seen by me the modder.

Kilvio Taveras

?i have a venue downloaded but what do i change it to? generic or office or something else. I hope this make sense


The post above tells you the 3 venues that you can use based on the level of career. Scroll up to the venues section.

LaToya Johnson

Sorry I'm trying to understand the venue change mod may you explain it please thank you in advance


Hello Kiara!! Thank so much for all the hard work you do to help us add to our game. I absolutely love your mods! I do have one question I am having an issue with the pie menus. I have all the correct venues ect in my game, except the work from home pie me or career pie menus are not coming up neither is the phone interactions and social interactions. Can you please help me with this?


In the post above, there's a section with the word venues. It explains how venues work depending on the career level.